Youth Mental Health Assembly Featuring Fred Warner, presented by Venardi Zurada, You Bay Area Injury Attorneys, along with CASSY (Counseling and Support Services for Youth) and Canyon Middle School

CASSY Conversation with San Francisco 49er Fred Warner on the Importance of Mental Health

CASSY was delighted to partner with Venardi Zurada law firm in hosting a conversation with NFC champion Fred Warner#1 linebacker in the NFL and defensive team captain of the SF 49ers – about the importance of mental health with the 8th graders at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley. Venardi Zurada are the official personal injury attorneys of the San Francisco 49ers. Warner is known for giving back to the community, harnessing his on-field success into positive impact off the field as a champion of youth and an advocate for mental wellness.cassy

CASSY Executive Director Marico Sayoc and Board Member Kevin Crouch asked Fred Warner about how emphasizing mental wellness is part of his training as an elite athlete and has enabled him to deal with the highs and lows of performing at the highest level of pro football. Warner shared his personal journey, how fracturing his back in college led him to some dark moments. Years later, after the high of reaching the Pro Bowl in his 3rd NFL season, Fred revealed the constant mental challenges he experienced the following year. He shared openly about the importance of owning up to his struggles, overcoming his pride, and asking for help.

“Nobody’s perfect. Everybody goes through their challenges. You gotta have a team. Because you can’t do things alone. Even though sometimes you might think that you’re Superman, you gotta understand that you need a team. You need people behind you to help you through things.”

CASSY’s Jaime Chavarria, LMFT and Warner led students in a visualization and deep breathing exercise designed to help bring down anxiety. Chavarria explained that when we approach a new event or activity – whether playing in the Super Bowl or going to high school – it can bring on anxiety or nerves. When we visualize ourselves doing well in that new challenge, it can actually  “trick your brain” into thinking we’ve already done it, so we approach the challenge with a sense of calm and greater confidence.

The counseling staff from Canyon Valley Middle School and Castro Valley High School talked about the resources available to help young people navigate the challenges they may face in transitioning to a new school. Collectively, Warner, CASSY and Castro Valley staff highlighted the truth that although ups and down are part of life, and struggles are part of being human, no one should struggle alone. We all need someone in our corner.

Watch the full interview with Fred Warner