Time’s Running Out…or Is It?

An alarm clock to represent the need for time management

Time’s Running Out. . . or Is It?

Raha Hajiseyedjavadi


Life as we know it is changing around us! It is important to keep our minds and body clean, and our spirits high. Everyone has to learn how to adjust in some way, shape, or form, whether it be learning how to go outside with a mask, all the way down to learning how to manage your time. Time management is a must for all students! It is a way to prioritize your time and make room for the things you love! You don’t have to cram homework and studying in order to finish. Take your time, and do not procrastinate. Time management is easy once you get the hang of it. Just make sure you know the right facts, and that you aren’t being misinformed on techniques to manage your time.

Misconceptions on Time Management

To begin, time management can be very helpful for students, as it increases productivity, improves self-esteem, helps you reach your goals, helps achieve balance, and reduces stress! These are only a few of the benefits of time management. Unfortunately, kids believe that even with managing your time, you won’t be able to finish the tasks at hand. They also believe that time management is common sense and it takes the fun out of a day. All of these things are false! Learning how to manage your time is a skill, and it takes patience. To add, if you get your work done early on in the day, you have more time to enjoy other activities once you are done, such as hanging out with your friends, playing a sport, listening to music, or more.
You might ask, how do I manage my time? Well, here are a few tips;
    1. Unplug! Turn off your phone,  put it on Do Not Disturb, or put it in another room. Get your work done without checking your feed on Instagram, or snapping people back. It’s hard (I know), but it will help you get your work done a lot quicker with a lot fewer distractions.
    2. Don’t procrastinate! “Oh, I can do it later…” This is what many people say, but no, if you do your work now, you won’t have to do it later. This way, you also won’t be stressed. Plus, if you forget something, you have more time to finish it up.
    3. Make a  schedule! You can have designated times to work on each class, or just do something that spreads out your work and leaves time for you to enjoy life. Stick to these times to ensure that you are following your schedule. Soon, it will become a habit.
By managing your time, you will find that you are less stressed out, and have more time to do the things that you love! Soon, sticking to your schedule will become a habit, and there will be no more panicking about an assignment. You got this!